A free-thinking education
Parents across the globe are attracted to British education by its reputation for developing pupils’ ability to think independently.
Beyond excellent examination results, opening doors to the world’s most prestigious universities, British schools pride themselves on their ability to expose pupils to a great diversity of concepts across the arts, faiths, politics and sciences.
● A human right
In 1948, in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, it was stated that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion”. These freedoms are strongly upheld in British schools.
● Discussion
Small class sizes in Britain’s elite schools enable pupils to express their thoughts as well as challenging the concepts that they are taught. Inspiring teachers encourage pupils to think beyond the immediate requirements of the examination syllabus.
The confidence and ability to ask difficult questions and to challenge accepted theory are invaluable skills both at university and during subsequent careers.
● Discovery
Rather than being relentlessly driven towards set ways of understanding and rote learning, pupils are inspired to think creatively and originally. A spirit of enquiry and discovery is fostered.
● OECD research
A report from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) suggests that countries which are moving away from knowledge-based systems and towards encouraging creativity are developing the most successful education systems.
● Applying to British schools
For a free consultation on how GRTalent could help your child successfully apply for a place at a British school please fill in the form below.